III Seminar of Environmental Documentation Centers and Protected Natural Areas

  • Names

    Naturgune Babestu Eta Ingurumeneko Dokumentazio-Zentroen III. Mintegia
    III Seminario de Centros de Documentación Ambiental e Espazos Naturais Protexidos
    III Seminari de Centres de Documentació Ambiental i D'Espais Naturals Protegits

  • Place and date

    Natural Park Señorío de Bértiz, from 15 to 17th September 2004

  • Coordination

    Rosario Toril. Documentation Center of CENEAM.
    Montserrat Grabolosa. Documentary Center of the Natural Park from Zona Volcánica of Garrotxa. Environment and Habitat from Generalitat of Catalonia.
    Jorge Iriarte. Documentary Center from Environmental Resources of Navarra. Environmental Department from Navarra Government

  • Introduction

    This third edition of the Seminar has celebrated in Natural Park Señorío de Bértiz, Navarra. It is due to the last year they had offered to be the host and to fund part of this Seminar. CENEAM (National Center of Environmental Education) from Environment Ministry, the Natural Park Zona Volcánica de la Garrotxa from Environment and Habitat Department from Generalitat of Catalonia and Environmental Resources of Navarra from Environmental Department from Navarra have cooperated to organize this seminar.

    The main topic of this edition was coordination and collaboration between the Environmental Documentary Centers. All was to strengthen and increase matching initiatives, reinforcing group awareness, collaboration, and coordination between Documentary Centers (with the participation and consensus of all). Time also has been left to address other interest themes on the part of experts, such as the intern management and external diffusion of Documentary Centers.

    Participants were experts who focused on the management of Documentation Center, specialized on the environment and-or natural protected places. To follow the stablished method, they considered essential to bring back most of the people— who attended in previous editions. The objective was to create a fixed nucleus of professionals to lead the initiative in terms of Environmental Documentation Centers at a national level. Following the dynamic of previous years, we wanted to allow other centers to present their projects, problematics, etc., which permits us to extend our vision and enrich the Seminar's contribution. It made efforts to have as many representatives as possible from each Autonomous Communities— even if some of them cannot be in their presence because of job problems or not setting in motion a Documentary Center on this matter.

    The framework presentation of this year was given by Carmen Casal from Environment Documentary Center and Biblioteca General del Ministerio de Medio Ambiente with the communication "Initiatives and proposals for coordination and collaboration between Documentation Centers specialized in the Environment".

    Fátima García from University Carlos III in Madrid made the technic presentation and addressed the theme of Catalogación normalizada de recursos web [PDF 305 KB].

  • Experiences

    The following coordination and collaboration experiences were presented:

    • Experiencia de colaboración entre centros de documentación y bibliotecas de la zona [PDF 1260 KB]. Josep Melero. Counsil from Barcelona. Natural Parks Service.
    • Coordination experience through the cataloging of documentary collections with traveling librarians. Lina Gomila. Generalitat de Catalunya. Environment and Habitat Department.
    • Joint leaflet between Documentation Centers in Protected Natural Spaces of Catalonia. Marta Moratonas. Generalitat de Catalunya. Environment and Habitat Department. Parks Service and Josep Melero. Counsil from Barcelona. Natural Parks Service.
    • Poster and combined presentation "Coordinación y colaboración existente entre centros de documentación de espacios naturales protegidos y medio ambiente" [PDF 774 KB]. The final version with the contributions of the participants to the Seminar was presented in Boulevard of experiences of Europarc 2004. Montserrat Grabolosa. Documentary Center Natural Park of Zona Volcánica of Garrotxa.
    • Instrumentos de coordinación y colaboración [PDF 623 KB]. Jorge Iriarte. Environmental Resources Center from Navarra.
    • Propuesta de colaboración con Bibliotecari@s y documentalistas sin fronteras [PDF 133 KB]. Montserrat Grabolosa. Documentary Center Natural Park of Zona Volcánica of Garrotxa.
    • Presentation of the document: Documentation Centres for Protected Natural Spaces of the Department of the Environment: Manual of use and operation. Proposal for a joint document of good practices between environmental documentation centres in SpainMontserrat Grabolosa. Documentary Center Natural Park of Zona Volcánica of Garrotxa / Marta Moratonas. Generalitat de Catalunya. Environment and Habitat Department. Parks Service.


    Moreover, it added two blocks of experience. The first is about management themes and documental services, and the other is about marketing and diffusion. These presentations were the following:

    Managenment and Documentary services


    Marketing and diffusion

  • Conclusions

    On the last day of the Seminar, we focused on getting conclusions, starting with ideas and brainstorming about which should be our general and specific objectives and which are our main weaknesses.

    These conclusions are the following:


    1. Seminar structure

    They established a new structure for the following Seminar edition to be usable to everyone. This new structure will have the following:

    • A framework presentation about the themes we have chosen between all for this Seminar.
    • A technic presentation to help with the training of assistants.
    • Presentation of concrete experiences by the participants on the theme of the Seminar.
    • Brief presentation of new participants.
    • Following the expected projects and agreements.
    • And discussion.


    It agrees on a new fund way to the Seminar:

    • For future Seminar editions, those who will be assumed their expenses will be the administrations and entities who can make it, to give the capacity to increase the number of participants


    The theme, place, and possible dates of the next Seminar are agreed upon:

    • Information and electronic documentation will be the theme for the next Seminar (visibility, usage, metadata, etc.)
    • The possible celebration date for the following Seminar will be between October-November 2005, and Seminar will be celebrated in Catalonia because the Generalitat of Catalonia and Barcelona Council will be the hosts.


    2. Difficulties working on the Seminar period

    • To deal with this problem, it planned to materialize the objectives and activities to develop.


    3. Differences between Centers

    • The existence of different realities between entities participants— and others of the same field made up of. This was more an opportunity than a problem for the enrichment of all the Centers, strengthening their same interests, such as the increase and improvement of the users' services.



    It is considered essential to develop, consolidate and intensify group contacts and exchanges, without underestimating the interest of personal contacts apart from common communication channels.

    Regarding this objective, it assumes the following commitments and actions to develop:

    1. To boost the use of Distribution List from Environment Documentary Center and Natural Protected Spaces

    • To compare the participants' membership in the Environment Documentary Center and Natural Protected Spaces and to distribute minimal instructions about how the list's operation.
    • To address internal and external issues of Documentary Centers through the list: such as the discussion of the minutes (to which change and modifications may be submitted within 15 days—1-month maximum); but also as a tool for disseminating information on courses and news of interest to Documentary Centers themselves, etc.
    • Contribution of technical documentation to the file exchange service of the Distribution List.
      - To create and maintain best practices folders and manuals in the List file exchange service (procedures, etc.).
      - Creation and maintenance of a publication and duplicate files.
      The producers and-or publication distributors shall post on their catalogs or publication lists, as well as duplicates in the corresponding files of the list. These should update at least annually. It agrees that sending these publications to the Documentary Centers will be free of charge, as far as possible.
      - Possibility of including links and-or databases with specialized electronic documents about natural protected spaces to diffuse also on the web Europarc Spain. The Environment Ministry agrees to provide general documentation.


    2. Possibility of including links and-or databases with specialized electronic documents about natural protected spaces to diffuse also on the web Europarc Spain. The Environment Ministry agrees to provide general documentation

    • REIDA, which means Information and Environmental Documentation Network is proposed.
    • It agrees to use the List to discuss the group name and the logo, if applicable.


    3. To make documents to emphasize the existence and matching diffusion of Environmental Documentary and Natural Protected Spaces Centers

    • It agrees to make a Documentary Centers Guide is more increaser than Governing body of Environmental Documentary Centers from CENEAM.
      - It agrees to use the Distribution List to settle on the specific field.
      - To expand the Documentation  Centers representation from all the Autonomies, it agrees that each participant will research the existing Environmental Documentary Center in their nearest geographical area, their Autonomous Communities, etc.
    • It agrees to elaborate the presentation poster of the existing collaboration and coordination betweenEnvironmental Documentary Centers protected natural areas.
      - It agrees to continue the discussion of the poster of Documentary Centers presented in Europarc through the Distribution List.
  • Appendix: Assistants

    • Carmen Casal Fornos / Environmental Documentary Center and General Library from Enviroment Ministry
    • Guadalupe Castro / Enviroment Ministry from Cantabria
    • Rosa Escobar / Documentary Center from Natural Park of Monfragüe
    • Susana Fernández Herrero / FUHEM Documentary Center (Employee's Home Foundation)
    • Cristina García Fernández / Agriculture, Fishing and Food Ministry
    • Montserrat Grabolosa Sellabona / Documentary Center from Natural Park of Zona Volcánica of Garrotxa
    • Jordi Gómez Gómez / AGBAR Foundation
    • Catalina Gomilla Portella / Generalitat from Catalonia. Environmental and Habitat Department
    • Bárbara Ibarra Botía / Environmental Education Resource Center from Murcia
    • Jorge Iriarte Ollo y Naiara / Environmental Resources Center of Navarra
    • Mª del Pilar López de Arriba Guerri / Agriculture, Fishing and Food Ministry
    • Isabel Matesanz Miguel / CENEAM Documentary Center
    • Josep Melero Bellmunt / Barcelona Council. Natural Park Service
    • Èlia Montagud Blas / Natural Park from Montseny
    • Marta Moratonas / Generalitat de Catalunya. Departament de Medi Ambient i Habitatge. Servei de Parcs
    • Delia Morlanes Ferrer / Documentary Center of Water and Environment. Local Government of Zaragoza
    • Gloria Oller Aymat / Library of the Andalusian Regional Government
    • Verónica Pajón Jacobe y Natalia Neira García / C.E.I.D.A A Coruña (Center of University Extention and Environmental Divulgation from A Coruña, Galicia)
    • Carmen Pérez Muñoz / INIA. Science and Technology Ministry
    • Jacinto Prieto Vicente / CEIDA Bilbao. Basque Government
    • Elena Primo Peña / CINDOC (Scientific Information and Documentary Center). CSIC (Superior Council of Scientific Research)
    • Javier Puertas Blázquez / Europarc Spain
    • Rosario Toril Moreno / CENEAM Documentary Center
    • Rosa Vela / Environmental Documentation Funds



    • Carmen Casal Fornos / Environmental Documentary Center and General Library from Environment Ministry
    • Fátima García López / University Charles III from Madrid


    If you need more information about this seminar, please contact with the Centro de Documentación del CENEAM, using the following email: doc1.ceneam@oapn.es

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