XVIII Seminar of Environmental Documentation Centers and Protected Natural Areas

  • Names

    Naturgune Babestu Eta Ingurumeneko Dokumentazio-Zentroen XVIII Minitegia
    XVIII Seminario de Centros de Documentación Ambiental e Espazos Naturais Protexidos
    XVIII Seminari de Centres de Documentació Ambiental i d´Espais Naturals Protegits
  • Place and dates

    Participantes en el XVIII Seminario de Centros de Documentación Ambiental y Espacios Naturales Protegidos

    Valencia - Sagunt, July 24th - 26th 2019

  • Coordination

    Rosario Toril. Documentary Center from CENEAM.
    Chelo Pons. UN Depositary Library. Social Sciences Library. University of Valencia.
    UN Depositary Library. University of Valencia
    Technical collaboration
    Montserrat Grabolosa. Zona Volcánica de la Garrotxa Natural Park. Generalitat de Catalunya.
  • Introduction

    The XVIII edition of this seminar was held at the Colegio Mayor Rector Peset and in the Centre d'Educació Ambiental de la Comunitat Valenciana (CEACV) in Sagunto, with the support of the University of Valencia, the Faculty of Law and the Generalitat Valenciana. As in previous years, we had the technical support of Montse Grabolosa from the Parc Natural de la Zona Volcánica de la Garrotxa, Generalitat de Catalunya. Soria Natural has also collaborated.

    More than 50 professionals from 16 Autonomous Communities belonging to the Network of Environmental and Documentation Centers (RECIDA) participated in the seminar.

    We had the opportunity to learn from the experiences presented in the form of lectures and posters, learn from the workshops and to share different publications provided by the centers. The visits were an ideal complement to get to know the area and other centers. In short, a great meeting to maintain professional contacts.

  • Seminar development

    Wednesday 24th July 2019

    At the opening of the seminar in the auditorium of the Colegio Rector Peset, we were received by several authorities: the Head of Department of the UN Depository Libraries Jorge Cardona; the Director of the Library and Documentation Service of the University of València Victoria García; the Regional Secretary of the Emergencia Climática y Transición Ecológica de la GVA (Climate Emergency and Ecological Transition of the Generalitat Valenciana) Paula Tuzón; representing the University of Valencia, the Delegate for Sustainability Pilar Rueda and our hostess, the person in charge of the United Nations Depository Libraries (ONUBIB) Chelo Pons.

    To give the new participants a framework for the seminar and to remember the experience of last year ́s seminar in Zaragoza, the video produced by Alonso Peña of the Documentation and Resources Center for Environmental Education of the Government of Cantabria (CEDREAC) and included in his YouTube channel Sinapsis Ambiental was shown.

    After presenting the activities carried out since the last seminar, the cooperation agreement between RECIDA and APIA was explained. Rosario Toril and Maite Mercado, representative of the Association of Environmental Information Journalists (APIA), explained the importance of creating synergies and how both professionals can help each other.

    In the afternoon, participants shared the following experiences:

    Alicia Sellés, president of Fesabid, informed us about how the libraries are getting involved in the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs, as well as the development of the working group in the Consejo de Cooperación Bibliotecaria (Library Cooperation Council). 

    And then Mario Pérez-Montoro showed us some programs to create good infographics

    We ended the day with a guided tour of the Jardí Botánico de la Universitat de València, led by its director Jaime Güemes. The regional dinner and book exchange took place in this magnificent place. Finally, María José Borràs, showed us the library of this center and the services offered there.

    Thursday 25th July 2019

    At daybreak we drove from the center of Valencia to Sagunto, soon to arrive at the Center d'Educació Ambiental de la Comunitat Valenciana (CEACV). Already on the bus, Víctor Benlloch of the CEAVC with his educational and interpretive skills, explained to us the material and immaterial cultural aspects of this area. When we arrived at the center, he explained the functioning of his center and showed us an illustrative video. Then, we divided into two groups and visited the ecological vegetable garden and the center with its various expository elements.

    This interesting visit was followed by a series of communications: 

    After lunch, which was very well organized by the CEAV team, we moved on to the afternoon workshops: 

    And to finish the day, we completed the gastronomic culture of the noon, with a traditional horchata (a popular soft drink from Valencia made with water, chufa (tigernuts), and sugar) and fartons (confectionery sweets typical of the Valencian town of Alboraya, Spain. Elongated and glazed with sugar, they are made of flour, milk, sugar, oil, eggs and a leavening agent), and thus took strength for the guided walk through the Devesa de la Albufera by Victor Benlloch. Then we left by bus to El Palmar for the boat tour that allowed us to enjoy a protected area such as the Albufera Natural Park.

    Friday 26th July 2019

    On the last day of the seminar, again at the Colegio Mayor Rector Peset, we started the day with a poster session, which was new of this year, but which worked very well. The following were presented:

    Then, Elena Morato from AEMET explained how to add metadata to PDFs so that the document is well described and well found in search engines, as well as the recommendation not to leave "traces" in the extended properties that we do not want to spread. He also told us about his center’s interesting publications on phenological seasons, which record, among other things, the first day of flowering, the time when the swallow is seen, etc.

    Afterwards, Chelo Pons explained the ONUBIB collaboration project to study the implementation of the SDGs: libraries and curricula of the Universitat de València.

    Finally, the following proposals were made:

    • Participation in congresses.
    • Social networks: both on Twitter and Facebook, the group of people who will be responsible for it was reorganized.
    • Improvement of the articles in Wikipedia and Viquipèdia.
    • Celebrations of environmental anniversaries: RECIDA Day September 17, Biodiversity, Natura 2000, Week of Nature, etc. 
    • Web portal.
    • Creation of a Guide to Doñana, for its 50th Centenary.
    • Updating the Guide to Children's Literature and the Environment.
    • Expand RECIDA's actions ODS and layout document.
    • SDG poster where each center marks the SDGs it supports.
    • Inclusion of a Workshop on Visual Design of tables given by Mario Pérez-Montoro (UB) in the next seminar.
    • Process on adding national park collections to the union catalog.
    • Letter of support for the establishment of the library in Ordesa National Park.
    • Expansion of alliances.

    Finally, the participants made an evaluation and discussed the possibility of holding the next seminar in Bértiz or Barcelona.

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