Garajonay: Itinerarios - Raso de la Bruma - Risquilllos de Corgo - Raso de la Bruma

Difficulty: Medium

Duration: 40 min

Length: 1,2 km

Rise/fall: 70 m

elf-guided: No

Connections: 10, GR131, 5, PRLG-11

This walk runs through an attractive laurisilva woodland that is often covered in mist. The abundance of hanging moss on the trunks of the trees and the wealth of ferns and other species profusely covering the ground denote the high degree of moisture caused by the fog.

The footpath comes to a crossroads located at a clearing from where you can see valleys and mountainsides covered in laurisilva. Here you can choose either to return or to continue along one of the paths. This footpath is especially attractive when there is fog.

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