VI Seminar of Environmental Documentation Centers and Protected Natural Areas

  • Names

    Naturgune Babestu Eta Ingurumeneko Dokumentazio-Zentroen VI. Mintegia
    VI Seminario de Centros de Documentación Ambiental e Espazos Naturais Protexidos
    VI Seminari de Centres de Documentació Ambiental i D'Espais Naturals Protegits

  • Place and dates

    CEIDA, Olerios (A Coruña), from 6 to 8 Junie 2007

  • Coordination

    Verónica Pajón. CEIDA-Oleiros
    Rosario Toril. Documentary Center from CENEAM

  • Introduction

    This year, it celebrated the seminar edition in CEIDA, Oleiros, A Coruña. There, 44 people from 14 different Autonomous Communities participate in the Seminar.

    In this edition, they modified the working form — considering the presence of a series of experiences. The members established three working groups about the topics they spoke the last year: digital library, e-bulletin, and website evaluation. After the working group, it presented the conclusions.

    The Speaker, Jesús Tramullas from Documentary Science Department from the University of Zaragoza, presented a talk about digital libraries and made workshop on tools for collaborative work.

  • Seminar development

    WEDNESDAY 6th JUNE 2007


    • Ángel García Seoane. Oleiros Mayor.
    • Concepción Herrero López. Vice-Rector for Research, University of A Coruña. 
    • Carlos Vales Vázquez. CEIDA Director.

    Presentation of the new participants

    • Francisca Ginés. Documentary Center Patronat Sud-Nord. University of Valencia.
    • Juana Libertad Guirado Bolívar. Environment Documentary Center d'Eivissa.
    • Blanca Muyo Redondo. International Center of Studies of Enviromental Rights, Center of Energy, Environment and Technology Investigation.
    • Santiago Reboredo Canosa. Mirian García López. Center of Investigation and Environmental Information— Lourizán. Ministry of Environmental and Sustainable Development.
    • Felisa Otero. Cartography Institute. Andalusia. 
    • Alfons Garrido. DOCUMARE. Documentary Center of Fishing and Sea. Fishing Museum of Palamós. University of Girona. Local Goverment of Palamós.
    • Pilar del Riego. Documentary Center and Environmental Education Resources. Environment Department from Cantabria Government.
    • Biblioteca Digital. Jesús Tramullas. Universidad de Zaragoza, Dpto. de Documentación [501 KB]

    Experiences presentation:

    • From the group to the network, the necessary way forward. Carmen Pérez. INIA (National Institute for Agricultural Research).
    • Project for a network of documentation centres in the park houses of Castile and Leon. Reyes Ovelleiro Valdespino and Berenice Hervás Garrachón. Information and Environmental Documentary Center (CIDA).
    • The evolution of Spanish aquaculture and its impact on the new edition of the Spanish Aquaculture Directory. Ana Sánchez Montañés. CINDOC-CSIC (Scientific Information and Documentary Center- Superior Council of Scientific Research).
    • Una obra en dos actos: coordinación y difusión de la documentación de nuestros parques. La experiencia de las guías de lectura de parques de Barcelona y la coordinación con las bibliotecas de la red de lectura pública. Josep Melero Bellmunt. Pedagogy Programm and Natural Spaces Area Divulgation Unit. Council of Barcelona and Teresa Canyelles. CDRE (Documentary Center and Educative Resourses) [1070 KB]
    • Selección y evaluación de recursos web. Isidro Aguilló. InternetLab. CINDOC-CSIC [353 KB]
    • Virtual reference services in specialised documentation centres. Rosa Mª Vela Casero. Documentary Center Patronat Sud-Nord. University of Valencia.
    • Electronic resources on protected natural areas. The possibilities of the MOODLE e-learning platform. Javier Puertas Blázquez. EUROPARC Spain. 
    • Knowledge platform for the world of agriculture and fisheries. Cristina García. Agriculture Ministry.

    THURSDAY 7th JUNE 2007

    • Taller sobre herramientas para el trabajo en colaboración. Jesús Tramullas. University of Zaragoza [414 KB]

    • Working groups:
      - Digital library (Jesús Tramullas as the coordinator. University of Zaragoza. Documentation Department)
      - Electronic bulletins (Javier Puertas as the coordinator. Europarc) 
      - Website evaluation (Isidro Aguillo as the coordinator. CINDOC-CSIC)

      Conclusiones de los grupos de trabajo

    • Presentation of the RECIDA brochure . Rosario Toril Moreno. Documentary Center from CENEAM.

    FRIDAY 8TH JUNE 2007

    • RECIDA balance sheet . Rosario Toril Moreno. Documentary Center from CENEAM.
    • Conclusions and preparation of the next Seminar.
  • Conclusions

    The different editions of this seminar have allowed the participants to commit to working on the website (RECIDA). The reason is that they can share resources and knowledge, which enriches everyone. Once again, we have missed the lack of assistance of the Catalan Coordinator (Montserrat Grabolosa) due to personal issues.

    They decided the following decisions this year:

    • Territorial scope of the network. For any publication, RECIDA, which means Network of Environmental Information and Documentary Centers from Spain.

    • Website. With the help of Professor Jesús Tramullas, assistance from the Community of Aragón, and Javier Puertas from Europarc, the configuration of the network´s website is about to begin. Javier Puertas will also buy the website domain. On the advice of Jesús Tramullas, the DRUPAL tool (a Dutch free software) will be used to develop the Portal. He also offers a server located at the University of Zaragoza to test the Portal and the directory. They established the following deadlines:
      - December: preliminary project.
      - January: Manual of procedures for records.
      - February: start to work with the tool.
      - April-May: work with the directory for one year.

    • Directory of electronic resources. As part of the RECIDA web project, a resource directory will be created and linked to the portal, although they will use a specialized tool. In September/October will begin the work to define the registration structure, the classification scheme, the Policies for entering records, etc.

      Isidro Aguillo from CSIC offers a computer from his Center to define the structure. Moreover, they will use this computer to locate and describe the first records that belong to the Directory.

      All the attending Centers were interested in participating in this project.

    • RECIDA Assessor Commission. The reality of Documentary Centers participating in RECIDA is diverse. It is not only because they belong to different Administrations; but also for the differences in budgets, the volume of funds, documentalist training, and functions, among others. To be able to support such diversity is necessary an Advisory Committee with a specific profile: people who are in charge of prominent Documentary Centers, with enormous knowledge and experience, with also good contacts, and broad and diverse bits of knowledge related to documentation; also need to have quick access to very current information on new programs, existing and information resources, among others. For this reason, at the moment of decision, the people who form this commission are Carmen Pérez from INIA, Elena Primo from Instituto de Salud Carlos III, and Isidro Aguillo from CINDOC-CSIC.

    • Pamphlet. they presented a new version of the website pamphlet. It modified the texts, which will be definitive.

    • Moodle Courses. Javier Puertas who belongs to Europarc, offers the Moodle tool to continue with the workshops.

    • Electronic bulletins.Due to various Centers making electronic bulletins (CIDA, Enviromental Resources Center from Navarra, CEPLAM Canarias, Europarc, etc.), it decided that they will agree to work in a shared manner, thus gaining time for other tasks.

    • Information Expert and Environmental Documentation Course. María Jesús Círez from Aragón will be in charge of collecting the data of those interested in this course at the Complutense University of Madrid.

    • QuestionPoint . Rosa Vela from InfoSud suggests this tool to share as a reference service. Each Center will study the economic and the oppportunities of its staff, to be able to join this proposal.

    • Following edition of the Seminar. Next edition of the Seminar. It suggests some places, such as Zaragoza or Basque Country, but these Centers should confirm their fact availability.
      It suggests various themes of interest to discuss in the next Seminar: Web 2.0, marketing strategies, intellectual property, finance funds, information architecture, and digitalization.
  • Appendix: speakers and assistants


    • Jesús Tramullas. University of Zaragoza. Documentation Department.


    • Aguillo, Isidro. Internet Laboratory. CINDOC-CSIC (Scientific Information and Documentary Center- Superior Council of Scientific Research)
    • Antolín García, Teresa. Documentary Center from CENEAM
    • Borràs Bou, Aina. Species Protection and Environmental Education from Baleares Island Government
    • Bravo, Elisabet. Generalitat of Catalonia. Environment and Habitat Department
    • Canyellas Isern, Teresa. Collserola Park
    • Castro, Guadalupe. Documentary Center of Natural Spaces. Autonomy University of Madrid
    • Círez Pueyo, Mª Jesús. General Directorate for Environmental Quality, Department of the Environment. Government of Aragon
    • Daza Martín, Inmaculada. General Directive of Participation and Environmental Information. Council of Andalusia
    • Durán Campamà, Carme. Council of Barcelona. Natural Spaces Area
    • Escobar, Rosa. Monfragüe National Park
    • Fernández Herrero, Susana. Investigation Center for the Peace. Employee´s House Foundation
    • Font Valentí, Gemma. Documentary Center of Montseny Natural Park
    • García Fernández, Cristina. Agriculture, Fishing and Food Ministry
    • García López, Miriam. Investigation and Environmental Information Center. Ministry of Environment. Regional Government of Galicia
    • Garrido, Alfons. Documare. Documentary Center of Fishing and Sea. University of Griona and Local Goverment of Palamós
    • Ginés Huertas, Francisca. Documentary Center Patronat Sud-Nord. University of Valencia
    • Guirado Bolívar, Juana Libertad. Environmental Documentary Center d'Eivissa
    • Hervás Garrachón, Berenice. Information and Environmental Documentary Center (CIDA), Council of Castilla y León
    • Hidalgo Martín, Belén. Environmental Planification Center (CEPLAM) Las Palmas
    • Iriarte Ollo, Jorge. Enviromental Resources Center from Navarra
    • Jordá Catalá, Francisca. Doñana Biological Station
    • Lopetegui, Oihane. Cristina Enea. Center for Sustainability Resources (San Sebastián)
    • Melero Bellmunt, Josep. Barcelona Provincial Council. Natural Areas Services
    • Monteiro Robles, Yolanda. Sustainable Barcelona Resource Center
    • Moral Fernández del Rincón, Alejandro. Interpretation and Documentation Center of Water and Wetlands of La Mancha. Daimiel City Council
    • Muyo Redondo,Blanca. International Center of Studies of Enviromental Rights (CIEDA). CIEMAT, MEC
    • Neira García, Natalia. Documentary Center Domingo Quiroga (CEIDA- Oleiros)
    • Ovelleiro Valdespino, Reyes. Information and Environmental Documentary Center (CIDA), Council of Castilla y León
    • Otero, Felisa. Cartography institute. Andalusia. Department of Public Works
    • Pajón Jacobe, Verónica. Documentary Center Domingo Quiroga (CEIDA- Oleiros)
    • Pardo Cereijo, Ana Belén. Documentary Center Domingo Quiroga (CEIDA- Oleiros)
    • Pereira Carnero, Milagros. Regional Government of Galicia, Environment Ministry
    • Pérez Muñoz, Carmen. National Institute for Agricultural Research (INIA)
    • Prieto Vicente, Jacinto. Centre for Didactic-Environmental Education and Research (Ingurugela-CEIDA-Bilbao)
    • Primo Peña, Elena. Healthy Institute Charles III
    • Puertas Blázquez, Javier. Europarc-Spain
    • Reboredo Canosa, Santiago. Investigation and Environmental Information Center. Ministry of Environment. Regional Government of Galicia
    • Riego San Juan, Pilar del. Documentary Center and Environmental Education Resources. Environment Department from Cantabria Government
    • Rozas Alós, Eva. General Directorate for Environmental Quality, Department of the Environment. Government of Aragon
    • Sagasta Guiu, Ana. Documentary Center of Water and Environment. Local Government of Zaragoza
    • Sánchez Montañés, Ana María. CINDOC-CSIC (Scientific Information and Documentary Center- Superior Council of Scientific Research)
    • Toril Moreno, Rosario. Documentary Center from CENEAM
    • Tramuyas, Jesús. University of Zaragoza. Document Department
    • Vela Casero, Rosa María. InfoSud. Documentary Center Patronat Sud-Nord. University of Valencia

    If you need more information about this seminar, please contact with the Documentary Center from CENEAM, using the following email:

Accesos Directos