Resolution authorizing the modification of design SA-AC-20/04, revision 0, for the densification of Individualized Temporary Warehouse (ATI) of nuclear power plants Ascó Ascó I and II


Densification of Individualized Temporary Warehouse (ATI) of nuclear power plants Ascó Ascó I and II

Resolution of the department of energy and mines, dated 15 march 2022 [PDF] [177 KB]

authorizing the modification of design SA-AC-20/04, revision 0, for the densification of Individualized Temporary Warehouse (ATI) of nuclear power plants Ascó Ascó I and II, and under the proposed changes to the technical specifications of operation and security studies.

Resolution of the General directorate of Quality and environmental assessment of the ministry for the Ecological Transition and the demographic challenge (BOE 14/06/2021).

that made the report of the environmental impact of the draft amendment to the "densification of Individualized Temporary Storage of nuclear power plants Ascó Ascó I and II (Tarragona)".